KingSoft announced the openSource of defense software today ( No matter what the purpose they have, it's a big thing in our industry.
But I saw a post , criticized the quality of the source code.
But I just think it's not so bad. I checked several abstract class. I found that all the abstract class have such form.
class IInterface {
virtual void method1() = 0;
virtual void method2() = 0;
It means that they only use abstract class as a interface (just like Java's interface), never mix up with its implementation. All the abstract classes with an "I" as a prefix, only have pure virtual functions. It's a good habit. KingSoft can deliver so many products through their source code's quality is very good, but as we can see, it's not so bad.
restart from here
Let's restart from here.
It's a shame to look back to the old articles I posted. Poor understanding about .NET and the history of computer software platform. Life before .NET is not primitive society, I just ignore other operating systems (like Unix/Linux) and other language platforms (like Java). Now I'm not a windows programmer, and I know that I have a lot of things to learn.
I started so many topics, but I never finished even one (included my another blog hosted on Javaeye). I must change it. I plan to write my blog with my pity English every Saturday night. So, let's just restart from here.
It's a shame to look back to the old articles I posted. Poor understanding about .NET and the history of computer software platform. Life before .NET is not primitive society, I just ignore other operating systems (like Unix/Linux) and other language platforms (like Java). Now I'm not a windows programmer, and I know that I have a lot of things to learn.
I started so many topics, but I never finished even one (included my another blog hosted on Javaeye). I must change it. I plan to write my blog with my pity English every Saturday night. So, let's just restart from here.
这一段代码负责重新平衡树,除了最后一个node更新之外(tree-next[dir] == NULL),其余的都要更新高度信息,如有必要,还有旋转。
- int avl_delete(node *treep, value_t target)
- {
- /* delete the target from the tree, returning 1 on success or 0 if
- * it wasn't found
- */
- node tree = *treep, targetn;
- node *path_top = treep;
- node *targetp = NULL;
- direction dir;
- while (tree) {
- dir = (target > tree->value);
- if (target == tree->value)
- targetp = treep;
- if (tree->next[dir] == NULL)
- break;
- if (Balanced(tree)
- || (tree->longer == (1-dir) && Balanced(tree->next[1-dir]))
- ) path_top = treep;
- treep = &tree->next[dir];
- tree = *treep;
- }
- if (!targetp)
- return 0;
- /* adjust balance, but don't lose 'targetp' */
- targetp = avl_rebalance_del(path_top, target, targetp);
- /* We have re-balanced everything, it remains only to
- * swap the end of the path (*treep == treep) with the deleted item
- * (*targetp == targetn)
- */
- avl_swap_del(targetp, treep, dir);
- return 1;
- }
这一段代码负责重新平衡树,除了最后一个node更新之外(tree-next[dir] == NULL),其余的都要更新高度信息,如有必要,还有旋转。
- node *avl_rebalance_del(node *treep, value_t target, node *targetp)
- {
- /* each node from treep down towards target, but
- * excluding the last, will have a subtree grow
- * and need rebalancing
- */
- node targetn = *targetp;
- while (1) {
- node tree = *treep;
- direction dir = (target > tree->value);
- if (tree->next[dir]==NULL)
- break;
- if (Balanced(tree))
- tree->longer = 1-dir;
- else if (tree->longer == dir)
- tree->longer = NEITHER;
- else {
- // 对比图可以看到,这个是第三幅图的场景
- if (tree->next[1-dir]->longer == dir)
- avl_rotate_3_shrink(treep, dir);
- else // 第一二幅图
- avl_rotate_2_shrink(treep, dir);
- // 这一句的作用,用targetp本身也在旋转过程中时,需要把它更新,targetp作为旋转的顶,而且三幅图里,都是转到&(*treep)->next[dir]
- if (tree == targetn)
- targetp = &(*treep)->next[dir];
- }
- // 为什么这里是tree而不是treep?
- // 是treep也可以,但是旋转后treep是tree的,这样要多遍历一个节点
- treep = &tree->next[dir];
- }
- return targetp;
- }
- void avl_swap_del(node *targetp, node *treep, direction dir)
- {
- node targetn = *targetp;
- node tree = *treep;
- *targetp = tree;
- *treep = tree->next[1-dir];
- tree->next[LEFT] = targetn->next[LEFT];
- tree->next[RIGHT]= targetn->next[RIGHT];
- tree->longer = targetn->longer;
- free(targetn);
- }
- void avl_rotate_2_shrink(node *path_top, direction dir)
- {
- node D, B, C;
- D = *path_top;
- B = D->next[1-dir];
- C = B->next[dir];
- *path_top = B;
- B->next[dir] = D;
- D->next[1-dir] = C;
- if (Balanced(B)) {
- B->longer = dir;
- D->longer = 1-dir;
- } else {
- B->longer = NEITHER;
- D->longer = NEITHER;
- }
- }
- void avl_rotate_3_shrink(node *path_top, direction dir)
- {
- node B, C, D, E, F;
- F = *path_top;
- B = F->next[1-dir];
- D = B->next[dir];
- C = D->next[1-dir];
- E = D->next[dir];
- *path_top = D;
- D->next[1-dir] = B;
- D->next[dir] = F;
- B->next[dir] = C;
- F->next[1-dir] = E;
- B->longer = NEITHER;
- F->longer = NEITHER;
- if (D->longer == dir)
- B->longer = 1-dir;
- if (D->longer == 1-dir)
- F->longer = dir;
- D->longer = NEITHER;
- }
Neil Brown精妙的avl实现
最近在复习数据结构,看到avl树,这样比较复杂的数据结构通常都很搞人。于是上网,找到一个实现看,写这代码的老外叫Neil Brown,一个大胡子,我们知道,在国外,开发人员的水平经常和胡子的多少成正比。还看到他在blog中说,这个代码打算用在linux kernel里,自然不会是普通代码了。
这个实现有一个特点,就是没有一般树实现中的left和right指针,作者用一个数组next[2]来表示,next[0]就是左子树,next[1]就是右子树,然后每个节点也不保存当前的层高,这个是教科书的做法,int longer:2,极其省俭的表示了是左子树长(值为0),还是右子树长(值为1),或者当前节点上这颗树是平衡的(值了-1)。
继续找,大于就下到右子树继续找,这里就用一个direction next_step = (target > tree->value)得到了接下来操作的方向。next[next_step]就是接下来要查找的节点
作者不大喜欢single rotation和double rotation这样的说法,他把旋转分为两种,一种是2旋,就是single rotation,这个时候用数组的优势就出来了,不用把相似的single rotation写两遍,传入的dir值不同就可以了。
这里是三旋转,也就是double rotation.
这个实现有一个特点,就是没有一般树实现中的left和right指针,作者用一个数组next[2]来表示,next[0]就是左子树,next[1]就是右子树,然后每个节点也不保存当前的层高,这个是教科书的做法,int longer:2,极其省俭的表示了是左子树长(值为0),还是右子树长(值为1),或者当前节点上这颗树是平衡的(值了-1)。
- /*
- * Usage: avl3 list of integers ...
- *
- * Each integer will be checked to see if it is currently in
- * the AVL tree. If not, it will be inserted. If so, it will
- * be deleted. The tree starts out empty and the final tree is
- * printed (on its side) in an ASCII-art style
- */
- #include
- typedef int value_t;
- #define LEFT 0 // 表示左节点,或者左子树长
- #define RIGHT 1 // 表示右节点,或者右子树长
- #define NEITHER -1 // 以当前节点为根的子树是平衡的
- typedef int direction; //重定向一个,表示操作是在左子树还是右子树上
- // 树节点的定义
- typedef struct node_s {
- value_t value;
- struct node_s *next[2];
- int longer:2;
- } *node;
- #define Balanced(n) (n->longer < 0) // 平衡时值了-1
继续找,大于就下到右子树继续找,这里就用一个direction next_step = (target > tree->value)得到了接下来操作的方向。next[next_step]就是接下来要查找的节点
- node avl_find(node tree, value_t target)
- {
- while (tree && target != tree->value) {
- direction next_step = (target > tree->value);
- tree = tree->next[next_step];
- }
- return tree;
- }
作者不大喜欢single rotation和double rotation这样的说法,他把旋转分为两种,一种是2旋,就是single rotation,这个时候用数组的优势就出来了,不用把相似的single rotation写两遍,传入的dir值不同就可以了。
- static node avl_rotate_2(node *path_top, direction dir)
- {
- node B, C, D, E;
- B = *path_top;
- D = B->next[dir];
- C = D->next[1-dir];
- E = D->next[dir];
- *path_top = D;
- D->next[1-dir] = B;
- B->next[dir] = C;
- B->longer = NEITHER;
- D->longer = NEITHER;
- return E;
- }
这里是三旋转,也就是double rotation.
- static node avl_rotate_3(node *path_top, direction dir, direction third)
- {
- node B, F, D, C, E;
- B = *path_top;
- F = B->next[dir];
- D = F->next[1-dir];
- /* note: C and E can be NULL */
- C = D->next[1-dir];
- E = D->next[dir];
- *path_top = D;
- D->next[1-dir] = B;
- D->next[dir] = F;
- B->next[dir] = C;
- F->next[1-dir] = E;
- D->longer = NEITHER;
- /* assume both trees are balanced */
- B->longer = F->longer = NEITHER;
- if (third == NEITHER)
- return NULL;
- else if (third == dir) {
- /* E holds the insertion so B is unbalanced */
- B->longer = 1-dir;
- return E;
- } else {
- /* C holds the insertion so F is unbalanced */
- F->longer = dir;
- return C;
- }
- }
- /***************************************************
- ***************************************************/
- static inline void avl_rebalance_path(node path, value_t target)
- {
- /* Each node in path is currently balanced.
- * Until we find target, mark each node as longer
- * in the direction of target because we know we have
- * inserted target there
- */
- while (path && target != path->value) {
- direction next_step = (target > path->value);
- path->longer = next_step;
- path = path->next[next_step];
- }
- }
- static inline void avl_rebalance_insert(node *path_top, value_t target)
- {
- node path = *path_top;
- direction first, second, third;
- if (Balanced(path))
- ;
- else if (path->longer != (first = (target > path->value))) {
- /* took the shorter path */
- path->longer = NEITHER;
- path = path->next[first];
- } else if (first == (second = (target > path->next[first]->value))) {
- /* just a two-point rotate */
- path = avl_rotate_2(path_top, first);
- } else {
- /* fine details of the 3 point rotate depend on the third step.
- * However there may not be a third step, if the third point of the
- * rotation is the newly inserted point. In that case we record
- * the third step as NEITHER
- */
- path = path->next[first]->next[second];
- if (target == path->value) third = NEITHER;
- else third = (target > path->value);
- path = avl_rotate_3(path_top, first, third);
- }
- avl_rebalance_path(path, target);
- }
- int avl_insert(node *treep, value_t target)
- {
- /* insert the target into the tree, returning 1 on success or 0 if it
- * already existed
- */
- node tree = *treep;
- node *path_top = treep;
- while (tree && target != tree->value) {
- direction next_step = (target > tree->value);
- if (!Balanced(tree)) path_top = treep;
- treep = &tree->next[next_step];
- tree = *treep;
- }
- if (tree) return 0;
- tree = malloc(sizeof(*tree));
- tree->next[0] = tree->next[1] = NULL;
- tree->longer = NEITHER;
- tree->value = target;
- *treep = tree;
- avl_rebalance_insert(path_top, target);
- return 1;
- }
博文 (Atom)