这个实现有一个特点,就是没有一般树实现中的left和right指针,作者用一个数组next[2]来表示,next[0]就是左子树,next[1]就是右子树,然后每个节点也不保存当前的层高,这个是教科书的做法,int longer:2,极其省俭的表示了是左子树长(值为0),还是右子树长(值为1),或者当前节点上这颗树是平衡的(值了-1)。
- /*
- * Usage: avl3 list of integers ...
- *
- * Each integer will be checked to see if it is currently in
- * the AVL tree. If not, it will be inserted. If so, it will
- * be deleted. The tree starts out empty and the final tree is
- * printed (on its side) in an ASCII-art style
- */
- #include
- typedef int value_t;
- #define LEFT 0 // 表示左节点,或者左子树长
- #define RIGHT 1 // 表示右节点,或者右子树长
- #define NEITHER -1 // 以当前节点为根的子树是平衡的
- typedef int direction; //重定向一个,表示操作是在左子树还是右子树上
- // 树节点的定义
- typedef struct node_s {
- value_t value;
- struct node_s *next[2];
- int longer:2;
- } *node;
- #define Balanced(n) (n->longer < 0) // 平衡时值了-1
继续找,大于就下到右子树继续找,这里就用一个direction next_step = (target > tree->value)得到了接下来操作的方向。next[next_step]就是接下来要查找的节点
- node avl_find(node tree, value_t target)
- {
- while (tree && target != tree->value) {
- direction next_step = (target > tree->value);
- tree = tree->next[next_step];
- }
- return tree;
- }
作者不大喜欢single rotation和double rotation这样的说法,他把旋转分为两种,一种是2旋,就是single rotation,这个时候用数组的优势就出来了,不用把相似的single rotation写两遍,传入的dir值不同就可以了。
- static node avl_rotate_2(node *path_top, direction dir)
- {
- node B, C, D, E;
- B = *path_top;
- D = B->next[dir];
- C = D->next[1-dir];
- E = D->next[dir];
- *path_top = D;
- D->next[1-dir] = B;
- B->next[dir] = C;
- B->longer = NEITHER;
- D->longer = NEITHER;
- return E;
- }
这里是三旋转,也就是double rotation.
- static node avl_rotate_3(node *path_top, direction dir, direction third)
- {
- node B, F, D, C, E;
- B = *path_top;
- F = B->next[dir];
- D = F->next[1-dir];
- /* note: C and E can be NULL */
- C = D->next[1-dir];
- E = D->next[dir];
- *path_top = D;
- D->next[1-dir] = B;
- D->next[dir] = F;
- B->next[dir] = C;
- F->next[1-dir] = E;
- D->longer = NEITHER;
- /* assume both trees are balanced */
- B->longer = F->longer = NEITHER;
- if (third == NEITHER)
- return NULL;
- else if (third == dir) {
- /* E holds the insertion so B is unbalanced */
- B->longer = 1-dir;
- return E;
- } else {
- /* C holds the insertion so F is unbalanced */
- F->longer = dir;
- return C;
- }
- }
- /***************************************************
- ***************************************************/
- static inline void avl_rebalance_path(node path, value_t target)
- {
- /* Each node in path is currently balanced.
- * Until we find target, mark each node as longer
- * in the direction of target because we know we have
- * inserted target there
- */
- while (path && target != path->value) {
- direction next_step = (target > path->value);
- path->longer = next_step;
- path = path->next[next_step];
- }
- }
- static inline void avl_rebalance_insert(node *path_top, value_t target)
- {
- node path = *path_top;
- direction first, second, third;
- if (Balanced(path))
- ;
- else if (path->longer != (first = (target > path->value))) {
- /* took the shorter path */
- path->longer = NEITHER;
- path = path->next[first];
- } else if (first == (second = (target > path->next[first]->value))) {
- /* just a two-point rotate */
- path = avl_rotate_2(path_top, first);
- } else {
- /* fine details of the 3 point rotate depend on the third step.
- * However there may not be a third step, if the third point of the
- * rotation is the newly inserted point. In that case we record
- * the third step as NEITHER
- */
- path = path->next[first]->next[second];
- if (target == path->value) third = NEITHER;
- else third = (target > path->value);
- path = avl_rotate_3(path_top, first, third);
- }
- avl_rebalance_path(path, target);
- }
- int avl_insert(node *treep, value_t target)
- {
- /* insert the target into the tree, returning 1 on success or 0 if it
- * already existed
- */
- node tree = *treep;
- node *path_top = treep;
- while (tree && target != tree->value) {
- direction next_step = (target > tree->value);
- if (!Balanced(tree)) path_top = treep;
- treep = &tree->next[next_step];
- tree = *treep;
- }
- if (tree) return 0;
- tree = malloc(sizeof(*tree));
- tree->next[0] = tree->next[1] = NULL;
- tree->longer = NEITHER;
- tree->value = target;
- *treep = tree;
- avl_rebalance_insert(path_top, target);
- return 1;
- }