
Not so bad

KingSoft announced the openSource of defense software today (http://code.ijinshan.com). No matter what the purpose they have, it's a big thing in our industry.

But I saw a post http://www.cnblogs.com/MichaelPeng/archive/2010/12/02/1893999.html , criticized the quality of the source code.

But I just think it's not so bad. I checked several abstract class. I found that all the abstract class have such form.

class IInterface {
virtual void method1() = 0;
virtual void method2() = 0;

It means that they only use abstract class as a interface (just like Java's interface), never mix up with its implementation. All the abstract classes with an "I" as a prefix, only have pure virtual functions. It's a good habit. KingSoft can deliver so many products through their source code's quality is very good, but as we can see, it's not so bad.
